This section includes information regarding parent concerns, policies and procedures, and other useful information.
Resolving Concerns
Cabarrus County Schools is committed to providing an effective means for parents and the community to voice concerns. In most circumstances, concerns should be addressed at the lowest possible level. The School Relations Office is available to assist in the process of resolving concerns not successfully resolved at the school level. For assistance with a parent concern, contact School Relations Coordinator, Becky Daquila at 704-260-5603.
Policy 1742/5060 Responding to Complaints Not Included Within Other Policies, identifies these different processes and provides a mechanism for resolving concerns not included within other policies. Students and parents/guardians should first address their concerns with the appropriate teacher, principal, or building administrator.
Policy 3210 Parental/Guardian Inspection and Objection to Instructional Materials The board recognizes that despite the opportunity to participate in the selection of materials, parents still may have concerns about instructional materials used in the school district. Thus, to further involve parents in the education of their children, the board also provides opportunities for parents to review instructional materials and a process for parents to use when they object to instructional materials. Parents may submit a Request for Reconsideration form in writing to the principal and copied to the superintendent regarding the use of particular instructional materials. The Reconsideration Committee at the school will review the request following the Reconsideration Committee Rubric.
Bullying and Harassment
Information about Bullying and Harassment can be found in the Parent Information and Student Code of Conduct Handbook. Online Bullying and Harassment Reports are located under the Parents tab on each Elementary and Middle School webpage and under the Resources tab on each High School webpage and by clicking on the Safety icon in the incon bar on the main CCS webpage. You may also access this report by clicking this link: Report Bullying
Paper copies are available at each school and at the Education Center. This copy can be printed, completed, and turned in at the school. Printable Bullying Report
Board policies related to discrimination, harassment and bullying can be found in the policies below and in the online CCS Board Policy Manual.
Policy 1710/4021/7230 Prohibition Against Discrimination, Harassment and Bullying
Policy 1720/4015/7225 Discrimination, Harassment and Bullying Complaint Procedure
Policy 4313 Student Use of Social Networking Sites, Blogging and the Internet
1725/4035/7236 Title IX Sexual Harassment-Prohibited Conduct and Reporting Process
1726/4036/7237 Title IX Sexual Harassment Grievance Process
Parent Information and Student Code of Conduct Handbook
This interactive handbook is intended to provide families with the information needed to navigate the school year from beginning to end. The Student Code of Conduct is the framework for keeping our schools safe with clear expectations. Click the links provided throughout the document for more information. Click here for the PARENT INFORMATION HANDBOOK.
El manual tiene la intención de proveer a las familias con la información necesaria para navegar el año escolar desde el principio hasta el final. El Código de Conducta Estudiantil es el marco para mantener nuestras escuelas seguras con expectativas claras. Haga clic en los enlaces de todo el documento para obtener más información. Haga clic en los enlace el manual MANUAL DE INFORMACIÓN PARA PADRES.